We are committed to improving urban and suburban mobility

CitySmart is the ideal partner for municipalities, municipal authorities, private transport companies and related entitie that wish to embrace Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and revolutionise the way people move around the city.
nd the city.
The aim is to help our partners improve the lives of their users by digitising and automating internal processes to make urban mobility services more efficient and effective.

Improving the management of internal processes means optimizing and increasing the quality of what is offered to the end user, CitySmart is a B2B2C solution precisely because it is dedicated to those in the mobility and services industry but, at the same time, never loses sight of the quality of the end user experience.

Who Our Partners Are

Municipalities Municipalised companies Private bus services Shipping Companies Public and Private Bodies Interested in MaaS

The City of the Future is Already Here…

CitySmart revolutionises the way people move around the city, offering a unique platform that integrates a wide range of urban mobility and MaaS services.
At the centre of it all is the user, who can plan personalised trips by combining public transport, bike sharing, car sharing and other operators into a single itinerary, with with real-time information on timetables, fares and routes. Purchase and validate transport tickets or paid parking tickets directly from the app, without queues, or choose mobility options to reduce environmental impact.
CitySmart integrates information and notifications such as the presence of LTZs, possible inefficiencies and offers. Users are thus constantly updated and can safely plan their journeys.
The platform is Cloud Native, customized and, above all, modular: it will integrate what you need!

…and it will keep innovating

CitySmart looks to the future with a keen eye on innovation and new technologies. The commitment to efficient, sustainable and integrated urban mobility goes hand in hand with the search for innovative solutions in the field of MaaS (Mobility as a Service), in order to offer citizens an increasingly complete mobility experience.
The goal is to develop increasingly better mobility solutions, taking into account individual needs and preferences.
A Fleet Management module will also be integrated, offering a wide variety of data on one’s fleet: from fuel level to the driving style of those who are using a vehicle.
We are committed to building a more efficient, sustainable and accessible urban mobility future, offering innovative solutions that meet the needs of citizens and help improve life in cities.

Our goal is to accompany cities on the path to digital transformation to ensure a sustainable and successful transition

The Benefits of CitySmart

Lavoro su piattaforma Maas in cloud

Automates internal processes

Process public requests quickly without paperwork.
Quickly manage tickets, subscriptions and all your customers’ needs: the cloud-based platform helps you optimise the processing of requests.

Accedere ai servizi offerti da CitySmart

Interact directly from the app

Users purchase tickets or subscriptions, both for parking and local public transport, or access other integrated platforms directly from their app.

Una mano tiene la terra con sopra un germoglio.

Promote sustainable mobility

With CitySmart it is easier to use public transport and, if you decide to integrate with sharing or micro-mobility services, it will be easier to access them, thus reducing private mobility and the impact on the environment

Donna controlla le info sui bus

Provide real-time information

Provide users with up-to-date information on any disruptions, even temporary route changes, events, ongoing works and anything else that may be useful to the citizen.

Our B2B2C Solution for the Digital Transformation of Cities.

We Help You Manage and Monitor the Mobility of the Future.

The modularity of the platform makes the B2B solution suitable for the different needs of different cities

Without the need for any installation, optimise your internal processes by making them more efficient, faster and with waiting times eliminated or minimised.

It is easier for mobility operators to track trends in parking, public transport and all service-related metrics thanks to the monitoring services integrated into the platform.

Each operator will have an app to help them organise and carry out their tasks in the best possible way. The aid of this tool will help to speed up control operations.

Choose the modules you consider most useful for your reality and compose the ideal platform to meet the needs of your users. Customise each component to create a tailor-made system that delivers exactly what they need, improving efficiency and overall satisfaction.

Thanks to the CitySmart platform, mobility management is quick and easy. You can monitor traffic in real time, coordinate interventions and manage transport with ease. Operators can schedule activities, send communications and optimise resources, ensuring an efficient mobility flow for all.

Foto di un operatore backoffice che lavora sulla piattaforma MaaS

We Help You Meet Citizens‘ Needs

We place great emphasis on the B2C front, service recipients are always at the center

Ragazza sorride guardando lo smartphone e usa la piattaforma Maas

Using Local Public Transport has never been so easy: users can quickly check timetables, routes and buy tickets and subscriptions directly in the app.

It quickly informs users of service changes or other useful news, ensuring that they are always up-to-date and ready to adapt to changes and alerts, thus improving the overall mobility experience.

It is possible to interrupt or extend a paid parking at any time, ensuring that the user only pays for the minutes actually used. This flexibility will allow citizens to manage their time optimally.

Everything citizens need to move around the city and use services is integrated in a single app. You can manage public transport, car sharing and make tickets available for events or other services, all with the convenience of one intuitive and accessible platform.

With CitySmart, you offer users the opportunity to find out public transport timetables, calculate ideal routes and plan their journeys with precision. You will optimise your movements and easily reach your desired destinations, enhancing your urban mobility experience.

Start Your City’s Digital Transition Today with CitySmart